Finding a perfectly looped video clip is a wonderful and serendipitous thing!
I haven't thought about them in a while -- I remembered they existed when thinking about what to do for today's theme.
I found this blog post describing an algorithm to automatically extract loops from videos. I copied the code, tweaked some of it (will post later), ran it against some YouTube videos, and voilĂ !
They're not really perfect, the algorithm has some flaws, but I hope you enjoy anyway :)
Taskmaster - Series 7, Episode 9 | 'The pendulum draws the eye.' YouTube

My Favorite Things Autumn 2024 - Super Eyepatch Wolf YouTube

PORCO ROSSO | Official English Trailer YouTube

I'd love to run the program against the entirety of Porco Rosso. There's so many slow quiet scenes like the one above that I think would look great looped.