This website is, with one exception, entirely statically generated and served.
I write my musings, kleks, and notes in Markdown and use a very hacky set of Node JS scripts to turn them into HTML and to generate the relevant tag and index pages.
I use the wonderful utility pandoc to do the actual Markdown -> HTML conversion. Highly recommend it!
I cross-post my Notes to Mastodon; see POSSE for details on how I do that.
Below are a list of TODO items for this site.
I've posted these publically both for accountability reasons and as proof I can actually finish things sometimes! 😅
- Post more stuff!
- Rework tag index pages to show both musings and notes
- Make tag index pages templatizable
- Add "inReplyTo" links to notes
Allow updating media to Mastodon that's processed by their servers asynchronously. See their docs here.
Added a cache for my pandoc-ed content, drastically speeding up my site generation!
Performance went from seconds to practically instantaneous! :)
Add feature to allow for easy updating of a note
Add an RSS feed for /notes
Add Colophon Section
POSSE /notes
Light + Dark Settings Page
Eat Easter Egg 🥚
Redesign Homepage